How To Make The Perfect Ad

Published on 10 September 2024 at 13:08


Hello, ladies and gentleman, I’m about to give you the greatest piece of information you will ever need to know to create an ad like a professional.If you're a business owner who doesn’t have a budget of $300-$1,000 for ads, this was made for you! So pay attention. IFY you will need a business and meta business suite(Facebook) account so, start off with that.


Analyze your Audience


This is really important. We don't like selling things to people that don’t care about our product/services.It would be futile, like you wouldn't sell shoes to people who don’t have feet. Therefore, you should try remembering who buys your product/services and why. Also try grouping them together this will help you in the future.

Make an eye-catching headline

Headlines are a powerful tool that many don’t utilize. For example, my title,it's simple, powerful and interesting.You are probably reading this article, because of the tite.These 3 simple principles are what you want to follow in order to make a good headline.


Creative is the resolution(1080X1080), background color, details, etc.These factors will help you get your viewers to pay attention to your ad.For example, for your resolution you would want to go with the square 1:1 ratio, for background you should choose vibrant colors or you can go with your logo colors.Make it look simple to read, spacious and make sure it has an image of your product/services.If your making a video go with a vertical resolution,have zoom in/outs every other second, have a cut each 5 seconds and a planned out script this helps retain a viewers attention.

Copy for your product/service

When making an ad you want to make sure you're always talking about customers' problems. Don’t go blabbering about your product/services and why it's soooooo good, trust me people could care less what you're selling. Other important factors, always use big fonts, write simple and to the point copy. Remember people nowadays have the attention span of a 4 year-old on 100mg of caffeine so, you have to get their attention quickly and retain it.


Have you ever seen or heard at the end of any ad to call or text a number? That is basically a call to action, but it comes in different variations. For example, visit our website,message us or get a quote. All those are cta’s. Implementing this in your ad is very important, because without CTA’s customers don't know what to do, they are confused and a confused customer does the worst thing possible which is nothing. So, make sure to put a CTA at the end of every ad.This is proven to improve conversion/sales.This is all you will ever need to create the perfect ad for your business. I HAVE NOW TRANSFORMED YOU INTO AN AD MACHINE!

Talk soon,Erick


P.S. - Unsure about how to implement this information into your marketing? Do this:

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